worth it
Seven thirty-five already? Here, let me just press "snooze"
It's time to get up and go learn logarithms for moles I'll never use.
School takes up one third of my day- soooo many hours.
Thank goodness I'm finally a senior! I've waited long enough to feel empowered.
Learn material, take a test; same thing every day.
But it's taken me 12 years years now to look back and be able to say:
"It's not the coordinates I can graph or the essays I wrote that will make me smile.
It's the people I've met and the memories I've made that have made it all worth while."
Sifting through yearbook after yearbook forty years from now-
I will be able to point out who made a difference and what teacher made me think "wow!"
All the complaining I've done will soon be over, almost in the blink of an eye
me and my peers will have to look at each other and all say "goodbye"
The day after graduation I'll do anything to be able to come to highschool again
To think all these years in school had not been the best years of my life- oh how foolish I have been.