Worth Every Prayer


**Tonight I am beginning Entry thirty-five,
Another day is conquered, & I'm thankful I'm alive.
Also it is now year twenty-twenty-three (2023),
I'm curious as to what this new year has for me.

**As I'm hoping & I'm praying for my pain to be quite low,
But because it changes daily, its severity I just don't know.
So I will just continue to battle & fight like hell,
Perhaps this year we'll find a cure, yet only time will tell.

**Also one thing about me is I don't give up easy at all,
Even through the unbearable times, when I stumble or fall.
Plus I'm still refusing, to show this curse defeat,
When my health & life are concerned, I will not be beat.

**But through this new year twenty-twenty-three,
I vow to remain as happy as I can possibly be.
So if this brand new year of ours, happens to find a cure,
It will be worth every prayer, that I have prayed for sure!
©Jan. 2023 Melissa Darsey (Passionate_Poetess)

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