by Ariel Douglas (22 October 2014)
Worship is more than singing pretty
Worship isn't an impression
It's not a popularity contest
And it SURE isn't American Idol
It's not a competition for who can stand the straightest
Or for the best dressed
It's not to see who can gain the most compliments from those around
It's not about being talented, pretty, or cool
It's about God: Worship
The very essence of the word
Worship: reverence for the Sacred,
Devotion, to revere the worshiped One
But what defines true worship?
Complete abandonment of sanity?
Or stiff-unmoving monotonous singing?
Is it somewhere in the middle?
(IS there even middle ground between the two?)
I find my true state of worship when I no longer care
I don't care if my voice cracks or if I'm on key
I don't care that legalists stare when my body moves
I don't care that I sound silly messing up the lyrics
Heck, sometimes I make up my own
When I worship I do not care about any opinion but one
And He says make a joyful noise
He says dance in praise through the streets
He never says "You must be beautiful"
He says "You are fearfully and wonderfully made"
He never says "Don't squawl at me"
He says "With a loud voice send your praise to heaven"
He never says "Stand still, you're making me dizzy with all that moving"
He says "Be joyful always for I will never leave you"
True worship is praising Him
For who He is and what He's done
Not for what YOU think I should be