A World of Hurt

I'm entering this world not having a thing 

I'm entering this world not knowing what it will bring 

But I know who i am and nobody can change that 

Not even for the place in my mom were i just sat 


I think the boys in my class are awfully pretty 

The big people say i need to live in the city 

But here I am stuck in this small rural town 

Where all the big people give me nothing but frowns 


All of this high school stuff is such a drag 

students and teachers here all call me by fag 

The persona i give says I'm not suppose to care 

but deep down inside i carefully chose what i wear 


I think I've found the one i want to marry 

We go to the courthouse, they say she is much too hairy 

I'm trying to be a bigger man here but i must confess 

the world that we live in is just one big mess 


Why couldn't I've grown up liking all girls?

Been dumbfounded and awestruck by all of their curls,

Then maybe society would agree with who I am 

The only man I hate is this damn Uncle Sam. 


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