The Words of Today



How are you today question mark.

Makes me look too proper.

Letter H letter R letter U 2day

Makes me look stupid.

How letter R letter U today question mark.

Makes it look like I only half care how they are.

This is what challenges the minds of today.

There are so many ways to write a simple sentence

yet, which one should we choose?

There’s OMG,

not Oh, my gosh.

There’s wat up,

not what’s up question mark.

And it’s not nothing much, you question mark.

It’s letter N letter M letter U

We write acronyms, just a few letters,

or abbreviations.

Abbrevs if you prefer, to get our statement across.

We use them so much we begin to talk that way.

“Lol”, says the girl in the back of the room after hearing a funny joke.

Who wants to really laugh to express themselves

when you can just tell them you’d be laughing?


Or obvi.

There’s YOLO,

not you only live once.

There’s good, HBU

not good, how about you, question mark.

Do you really care how they are,

or are you just trying to keep the convo going?

There’s a way to do this,

there’s a way to do that,

but no matter what it’s never right.

We used to talk in riddles,

we used to talk in tongues,

but now we just talk in any way that easiest.


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