Words Spoken and Unspoken
Poetry is words that need to be said
It is words trying to escape
Poetry is strength when all courage has fled
It is words spoken
Poetry is what allows me to say, "I matter."
"Listen to me, I am here"
It is the frustration that simmers and the fear
"Look at me, I am here"
"I am the face of Immigration"
I have been wronged, more times than one
More times than ten
"I am the face of Gay Pride"
I have been wronged, more times than one
More times than twenty
"I am the face of Inequality"
I exist, I have been here all along, since the beginning
I have been wronged, more times than one
More times than fifty
And I am much more than that
Poetry has allowed me to say so, to speak truth
It is the message that has no barrier
It is words unspoken
It is words spoken
Poetry is my voice when I have no words
It is my words when I have none