Word after Word is POWER
My mother doesn't love me constantly longing to dig me out of her belly,
to be scraped clean like a fish in a market
resentment is killing her rotting her inside,
she's trying but she can't love this baby
and my aunt aida saves my life
grabbed me right by the face
and kissed me as I fell backwards into a stupor
her laughter flows into the sun she tips her head and thanks her god, alhamdulilah
touches her god
like a map alhamdulilah
always I forget she's buried more children than she is raising
she won't stop tipping her head and laughing into the sun painting her face
in gratitude
even when she's holding a small war in her hand
early on I want her to win i'm on her side, I want her to win the war
to live
the world has to see her win to feel her love
but I don't know how to make her stay forever
to see how she laughs even when the city is crumbling
she's always telling me I am good with words even those I can't find she knows I feel
calls me the word warrior an emotional craft
buys me a little blue book 'write down the greatest thing that happened to you today'
'silliest thing' 'boring thing'
so my words begin falling onto paper
word after word after word
I become powerful paper is now crowded like a small city
I leave and my words wait for me I find them home and make them stronger
aunt aida says 'now write down the saddest thing that happened today'
and my father leaves briefcase swinging
and I learn to wait for him by counting the words in my little blue book
like sunsets
waiting and waiting my words help me wait, they don't climb over each other
and I see god spelling out my name in my book
and my body won't stop soliloquizing
what my words would sound like if said out loud so I give them sound
the air is little letters shaping how I feel
words buzzing over each other to let me know how i'm standing
am i parted or together?
shaping me
I am in the shape of poem I write to feel
to remember how to get home how to count the sunsets
how to laugh like aida
I breathe my words out wear them like skin
I write to be one with the sun I am not separate from my words
my father is gone 1,036 sunsets
and my aunt aida lives forever
my words are power they hold me up like the foundation of a house .