Woman Wrapped in Self-Confidence
Woman Wrapped in Self-Confidence
I am a woman wrapped in self-confidence
A crown of wisdom placed upon my brow
A heart of wonder laced with tenderness
Tall I stand against all resistance.
I am seventeen years of age
A young girl craving to obtain my aims and aspirations
A driven woman fighting for fair treatment in our nation
Placed here to heal my people of their social lacerations.
"Young black girl what will you make of your life?"
I excitedly tell them embellishing with my hands.
"I see where you're coming from, but you must understand,
You have certain limitations based on societal demands.
You are black and a woman, please find a better plan."
Why is my potential given parameters defined by physical differences?
Why does my skin and gender serve only to hinder me?
Who even made this a remote possibility?
Yes, my race and womanhood are a part of me,
Yet, they only serve to add identity, not rub away any shred of my humanity.
I will rise above your misguidance and shallow opinions.
If I must climb the steeper slope I will do so sprinting
No, I will do so flying, even soaring.
I am a woman wrapped in self-confidence
A tender disposition with the voice of a lioness
A focused mind sealed by my own signet ring
Head held high by my inherent mightiness.
I. Am. Flawless.