Why pray to a GodLess Sky?
"I am not religious", I tell them.
I'm just not.
I am not rejecting religion.
Just after all these years of having christian religion shoved down my throat I'm just not interested, you know?
"I'm really spiritual, really." Sigh.
Maybe I will be in the future.
This is what I tell them. Well.. at least what I wished to tell them.
Them being family and friends, associates and outsiders.
I don't need to be affiliated with an organized religion in order to be happy and to have my life
filled with purpose.
I need no Code of Conduct to facilitate my affairs.
My dad's a pastor... Cool beans.
But that title do not mean much to me.
I've seen my pastor father become very frighteningly violent.
Having a title doesn't make you holy or even mildly respectable.
"I am just not that religious", I tell them.
Or at least I wish I did.
None of that Stuff resonates within me.
None of the pseudo, lame christianity at least.
Sheesh, don't bite my head off.
I am more agnostic than atheist so don't go sprouting your hatred.
If there is a God(s) good.
If not, also good.
It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.