Why Not?

I know I’m pretty.

I know you’re plain.

So the question isn’t ‘why?’

It’s ‘why not?’


I know I’m lithe.

And you, well, you’re chubby.

So why tear you down?

Well, the more that they’ll love me.


The lower you sink,

The higher I rise.

The farther you are,

The closer I am to the prize.


Life is a game.

Me? I’m playing.

You? You’re failing,

Miserably so, just saying.


Me calling you ugly won’t make me pretty.

Me calling you fat won’t make me skinny.

Me calling you dumb won’t make me smart.

But, I know I’m all of these things so, ‘why not?’


People have it all wrong.

I’m not trying to compensate.

I hold no envy for you , my victim.

Not even any hate.


It’s simply that I find it so easy to manipulate.

Lying and scheming, turning you against yourself.

I’m enjoying this front row seat as I watch you self-destruct.

You see, this is just a game.


It’s so easy to hurt you,

To test your endurance. How long until you break?

But like I’ve said before, in my defense,

I don’t hate you, nor do I envy you.


I have everything I could possibly need and or want.

Well, almost I should say.

I want to see if I can completely break you.

Can a few well-placed words shatter your psyche?


Do I have what it takes to hold you in the palm of my hand?

Do I have the power to clench my fingers and grind you into dust?

The answers to these questions is what I want to know.

It is a must.


So, Dear Victim, To Whom This Does Concern:

I will continue with this game at your expense.

But remember, I harbor no ill will toward you.

I’m just a very curious being, for you to have not figured this out, well you’re very dense.



The epitome of perfection.


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