Who's the Judge?
I do not wish to say a damn thing to you and your hypocrisy
Damnation of existentialism driven by your thoughts of “true” Christianity
Scrunched face and squinted eyes
So, your students have thoughts of their own that exclude your God but why choose to criticize?
Thrive in what is different and unique
Build upon your own religion rather than dismiss with your critiques
We are not your biblical slaves to whom you may opine to
I know the same God that you know but you may think this untrue
Why? Is it my show of profanity or flexibility in beliefs?
Is it the controversy of theology of which I speak?
If so, then at least I am accepting
Doing what God truly expects of us versus the act of neglecting
Neglecting what is true in this world and what is real
Neglecting the actuality of what people truly feel
So, he has no one to call “Him” and she finds love in her own sex
But you, of all people, should know that only God can judge us, correct?