To Whom It May Concern
To whom it may concern,
I haven’t forgotten
The knight and the king in my childhood games
I am allow my soul to become rotten
To whom it may concern,
The crash and the flames replay now again
Those things that hurt us the most
Are the things we can count on to begin
To whom it may concern,
Those boys are still with me
Maybe they are ghosts or broken memories
Yes they are still part of my story
To whom it may concern,
I know what happened
You didn’t have to tell me because I saw it coming
I knew how it would end
To whom it may concern,
Their stories aren’t over
They live on through my heart
Making me ever colder
To whom it may concern,
I don’t think I am crazy
Just a girl entangled in ghosts
Unless you want to think so maybe
To whom it may concern,
I am no hero
Just a girl keeping a knight and a king alive
A child hearted weirdo
To whom it may concern,
I’m not okay
I am broken bruised
I have been tossed away.
To whom it may concern,
I bid you farewell
I have to go now
I’ll see you in hell