Who is she?

Fri, 05/31/2013 - 21:27 -- camzmil


United States
28° 18' 14.7096" N, 81° 25' 20.6544" W

I never felt it
The love that was intended for me
She didn't saw me
Because she was never there

I was jealous
To my classmates, cousins, and neighbors
They are happy
With their whole families together

I was happy, an incomplete happiness
Someone is not there beside me
When I needed her for comfort
Instead, I find my own comfort by myself

Jealousy was the worst thing I can have
It gave me pain to face the reality
That I will never have a good, happy family life
Just like what a family should have

The love that I have been asking for existed
I just didn't notice where it came from
I was eager to get the love that I can't have
When I was over fed with love ever since

I have been happy with my family since I was a child
They have seen me grow up
Saw my struggles, and accomplishments
And made me grow of who I am today

Years passed, someone took me out of my known family
She claimed herself as my mother
But it never felt it that way
She was more of a stranger to me

Confused, uncertain, and happy
Everything felt unrealistic
I didn't know what to say nor what to react
Because I've never known her all my life
She made me confused
Made me think that everything that I have experienced were faux
That made me feel uncertain
That I didn't really know who I am

Who am I?
Who are you?
Why am I even here?
I don't know

Everything felt unknown
Felt as if everything was false
Everything is new
As she came into my life

I felt irritated, and annoyed
I didn't like it at all
I am longing my family who brought me up
For they made me realize, who I really am

All I want is for her to look at me
Love me, and talk to me
Like a mother should do
I wish I grew up in her care
So that I won't be confused to whom I belong



Part of my life story

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