Who are You?
Sometimes we hold on to our failures and depressing past,
And allow those events to define our untrue, discontent character.
Beaten, battered, and treated like an outcast,
Left to battle the war as a lone challenger.
So why do we fight?
Who or what is that voice saying, "You can do this, you're not done, not quite."
Whch later causes uncontrollable inspiration,
That just seems to flood with extreme amplification?
It's you! It's me!
People are the greatest "ERS" of all!
Inventors, writers, painters, record-breakers and setters.
No other creature is responsible for so much sprawl.
We call out with our passions which makes this world so unique,
So draw something, create something, talk to someone, be human!
Be who you want to be like some kind of Harry S. Truman!
Your passion defines you not your failures,
Because nothing is more awesome than you.