Who am I?
Who am i?
I am gossip.
I am big, so big that
You should fear me.
I can tell unbelievable stories
That people will believe.
I will shoot you down,
When you’re out and about, with rumors and lies.
I am gossip, an evil spirit that travels from ear to ear.
I will soon take over your mind and your friends’ too.
I will make you a sinner
After you fall into my trip,
You will soon from a grudge against the person I have possessed.
You sit and ask them why?
But they just don’t know.
While you asking question
I’m laughing
While you sit there
Heart broken,
Mean mugging,
Breaking down
I’m laughing.
You will hold that grudge so long,
That you have falling into my trip
I will put you down
Every time you try to leave.
You will tell my unbelievable stories
I will possess you,
You will become my slave.
You will lose all self-respect,
You will become a little devil.
Who am i?
I am gossip
I have no respect, I just don’t care.
I have no feeling, I’m just cold blooded
I do this because you let me.
I am gossip