
What is this 

This feeling of disbelif this feeling of relif

Who are you

We have only just met but

There is somthing about you

That seems so unfair

So familiar 

So true to me

How can i feel this way again

Only after I've been 

So broken 



How can you not feel the way I do

Who are you to make me feel this way


I see the way you look at me

Why dont you just confess

Is it me

Is it you

Or is it somthing else all together


Who is it to say that i dont love you

Because I love you 

I want to scream it to the world

But i know i cant

Because i love you 

I will hold my haert in

Because I love you 

I will try to move on

Beacuse I love you

I will braek my own heart again

Beacuse I love you

I will still ask who are you

Because I love you 

I will still ask 

Do you love me

Do you hate me

Beacuse if you love me

You need to tell me



Whatever for?

This poem is about: 


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