

United States
31° 56' 49.8264" N, 89° 48' 46.9296" W

Dreaming or awake still falls from this face.
Becoming bewildered; caught between past and present events.
Splitting down the middle; foundation’s cracked.
Unhinging; overlapping voices echoing throughout my mind.
Images projecting what I refuse to comprehend.
Lies saturated in disdain.
The façade created by its maker is now transparent.
Discovering the truth, I’ve been set free.
To cover your own indiscretions, you used a scapegoat.
Having no idea I was selected.
In the shadows was where you did the dirty work.
Labeled as “stalker” but a witness to your schemes.
Pleas falling on deaf ears.
Stage set for your proclaimed innocence.
From a distance, observing my demise while slowly going insane.
Repetitive patterns exposed the technique to your “game.”
I remain unpredictable.
So I chose to freefall…..

finding Closure



The line "splitting down the middle" is full of so much emotion and imagery in just those few words. Great job bringing passion into your poetry! Check out "poetry writing tips" in the "resources" section for even more inspiration for writing poems!


Thank you so much for the your comment, jwiener, I'm glad you enjoyed it. There is more to come :) Feel free to read the others. :)

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