Where I'm From
I am the little girl who likes to be alone. I’m from hurtful words that nobody knows about, where the world is a playground and my life is a song. I am from remembering a time when each day was long. I am the friend who always smiles when nothing is really worth smiling for. I’m from a place where loyalty is dying out and family can’t always be relied on.
Where I’m from, I never really understood the concept of the word “father”. My mother was everything to me, I never thought about a dad. I’m from a place where memories were blind but tears that came down like a waterfall were clear. I’m from a father who burst into tears because I never wanted to see him.
Where I’m from, I guess I was scared of rejection… I was scared he would abandon me like he abandoned my mother... if I gave all my love to him he would destroy my heart. And where I’m from, the weak get eaten. I’m from a mother who never gave up when she had nothing and always wanted the best for me. I’m from a mother who dealt with stage 4 colorectal cancer for 8 years, not knowing which day would be her last. Where I’m from, a 6 year old’s mentality would be “mommy are you gonna die?” breathing her every breath for her little angle. I’m from place where my grandmother constantly told me “your mom is going to die, she won’t see you graduate or get married.” Where I’m from, God was the only thing left I could turn to. I’m from, doctors who had no faith and gave my mother 6 months to live.
Where I’m from, 7 to 17 years old my mom is still here watching me grow, she WILL see me graduate, she’ll see me get a job, she’ll watch me as I leave to college, and she WILL be standing right next to me when an amazing guy asks for my hand in marriage. I’m from a place where seeing my mom struggle built my strength. I’m from a place where standing up for myself and taking care of my own is encouraged and where I’m from, you don’t lose hope when the sun goes down and the stars come out.