Where I'm From
I'm from bare feet
on dirt roads,
walking hand in hand
to ice cream shops.
I'm from scarce rain
and sing-alongs
and roller-skating on rooftops.
I'm from giant tents
where newly-weds sit inside
dressed like princesses and princes.
I'm from metallic birds that
fly over vibrant worlds
constantly taking me to new places.
I'm from lying on grass,
fingers pointing up
at misshapen clouds
sculpted from imagination.
I'm from henna tattoos that
embroider your skin,
making your body
an artist's creation.
I'm from small hands
continuously turning pages of
a carefully read book.
I'm from hot roasted coffee,
tentatively sipping with
warm lips and content looks.
I'm from spicy air that marinates
the atmosphere as people
sell things on the street.
I'm from jet lags and
wanting to be friends
with every face
that I meet.
I'm from countries
I wasn't born in and cities
I've never visited.
I'm from shaking hands,
thankful smiles, as I give bread
to those who understand
it makes them privileged.
I'm from loud movies
and boyish video games
and music played too often.
I'm from all the places
and all the spaces
I have and
have not been.