Where I'm From
I am from plane rides at a week old,
from always knowing there was something
special about my family.
I am from always knowing I was adopted.
I am from not knowing who I looked like,
and who I acted like,
pictures never game me justice.
I am from a time when pictured took weeks
to sen and there was never a guarantee of
it ever getting to it’s final destination.
I am from a time when computers overruled
a handwritten letter,
emails are more efficient and quicker.
From a time when the internet was new.
From a loving family with support
to allow me to meet who is unknown to us,
from always wondering if I would still be loved.
I am from a time when your dreams can come true,
from confusion, hatred and disrespect
towards those who brought me here
from a time when family means most
even if family is your adoptive parents.
I am from being myself
evolving from my mistakes
and experiences
from becoming who I am today
because of my family.