Where I am From
I am from arable land
From tall scratching grass and hum of electric cattle wire
I am from stolen sweetpeas and muddy carrots, slipped through to the old white draft-horse
And his long stained yellow teeth
Twitching fleecy ears and soft black eyes
I am from generational mulberry trees
Black, yellow, red, on tilled dark soil
Stained hands and feet and balancing on picnic tables to reach
From the ivy-crept pumphouse and hidden shrieking robin chicks
I cupped in small hands
From tall baskets of fresh zwieback and steaming plates of flinsen and jam
From hot bowls and mugs of love, and fresh-pressed grape juice
Yellow morning light on the crisp gold pears, the twelve-times-grafted apple trees,
The sugar plum trees with the painted stones at the base
Where I buried a best friend
Returned with an acquired fear of crawling things
Childhood covered in wasps, like those dropped plums
Gave a silent berth to the empty stable
And the hailstorm of doctor bills
I am from derelict and peeling minds
Insidious frost in family conversations
I am from “this shall come to pass”
I am from worrying that it will too soon
And also who will water the sweetpeas
And how severe a winter it will be
I am from ivy swallowing everything up
The fruit trees crushing themselves under their own rotting weight
Making yourself sick trying to consume the heaviness by yourself