When Others Have So Little
What can a dollar do?
Pay for lunch,
A car,
Well, maybe not a dollar
Though at least it helps.
But while we eat and drive and learn
A child dies from hunger
A woman wishes
For more than a cardboard house
A man prays
For a single pair of shoes.
How can we spend so much
When others have so little?
I don’t understand
Why we ignore those in need.
How can we live our own lives,
When we’re called to help the least of these?
Do we need a car for that?
Do we need a four year degree?
How is that important
When the world holds twenty-seven million slaves?
Thousands, millions, billions
Dying from hunger, HIV, AIDs
Why are we overlooking
The family who lives in a cardboard hut
The mother who can’t feed her twelve children
The orphan who suffers from scabies.
Do we assume others are helping
That we can’t make a difference?
Are we scared of what we’d have to give up,
Afraid of the sacrifice for true service?
Why do we feel entitled
To our food, our cars, our education
When a child, abandoned
Sits quietly, tearfully out in the rain?
We convince ourselves that we are too small
To impact the world
When all we need to be doing
Is impacting the individual.
Because when it all comes down to it
Are we not all humans, fighting to survive?