When life brings me down

Mon, 10/10/2016 - 12:10 -- nawolf

When life brings me down and trips me to fall to the ground,

When life gives me hate instead of the love I crave,

When life bestows upon me unwanted feelings of despair and anxiety,

I turn to the one thing that makes me smile.

My best friend.

My best friend has a gift of turning my frown upside down.

She even has the incredible ability to know when I’m feeling blue.

My best friend has stuck by my side in the middle of life’s ups and downs

And I simply couldn’t imagine completing my life’s story without her around.

With our late night talks and 1 a.m. adventures to the local Kwik Trip

To the journeys through forest trails and countryside roads.

We know we can do silly things like scarfing down a tub of cookie dough ice cream

             And singing and dancing like no one is listening or watching without a hint of judgement.

We can jump for joy in the midst of a rainy day to go outside and play.

We can speak with British accents and use sarcasm as if it was a language itself.

All in all, my best friend can make me smile with the snap of her fingers,

 A burst of laughter, a spontaneous silly face, or even a simple smile.

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