When did I get bad?
When did I get bad?
I remember elementary school,
Straight A’s,
Huddling in with my friends when its cold,
Building giant snowmen in the field,
Raising my hand at every opportunity,
Knowing everyone in my grade like the back of my hand,
Climbing the playground over and over again,
Doing everything I love,
Loving everything I do,
Having the confidence to do whatever i want with no fear of the consequences,
My heart being full of love for everything and everyone.
Now it's middle school.
Either only A’s or only C’s,
Borrowing jackets or just staying inside when its cold,
Being forced inside when it snows,
Never raising my hand and keeping my head down,
Everyone knows (almost) everything about me, but I only know the bad things about them,
No more playground, just a big field and a lot of concrete,
Doing nothing I enjoy,
Hating everything I used to love,
Overthinking every decision I make,
Hating everyone and everything they do.
Now not all of these things are necessarily bad,
But something must have been my final point.
What made it get bad?