What's Within
The time has come
For me to let go.
I cannot say
what I've wanted to say.
If I do,
a war will break out .
Life won't be the same,
As it already isn't.
Fights will happen
And I'll be to blame.
Look into my eyes,
What do you see?
A girl hiding behind her own shame.
The shame of who she is.
The shame of what the world has made her out to be.
Society has a way with words, doesn't it?
It labels people and tells us what the correct image should be,
But we try not to listen and embrace who we are.
Sometimes that won't work,
So we try to be someone who we are not.
We try to embrace something we don't have,
But what you're trying to be is already reserved for someone else.
Which then makes us cover up
And not let people see who we truly are
Because we are hiding behind what we think is a shame.
But is actually something beautiful.