What's Behind My Curtain
I was scared to reach out and hold her hand
I never understood why I did that
Or why I never did
I felt the blood
rushing through my face
My face was on fire
I was the last person to go
We spent a moment of silence
And then blew out all the candles
Yet I always crave love
but I know in the end how it always turns out
They couldn’t care less about me right now
I can do hand stands on a fence
But I can not even show love
Through touch or compliments
I lied blatantly
I am the hero of the story
I did hold her hand
I did help her wipe off her mascara
And we shared an intimate moment together
When in reality I just kept reading
Conscious of my blood colored cheeks
While she cried
And ran out of the room
I wanted to recreate the moment
Because that was what I should have done
I think I was scared that she would brush me off
And so I never took her hand
I was only left with my words
And the blown out candles