What I Want Changed in My Classroom
I can’t stand it.
Everyone thinks that they know better,
But they don’t.
They can only recall useless facts.
And they think they are getting ahead in life
When in reality they are taking two steps back.
It is insane to listen to the same lecture twice
And then to come back tomorrow and hear it again
That’s right.
I said it
The classroom is a bore
Because all we ever do is remediation
And it is starting to feel like a chore.
Something that I have to do in order to keep my parents happy
But where is the fun?
Why am I not happy?
“It’s all for you to get into college and have a nice job.”
Then why is it that freshman in college always feel robbed?
Thirty three percent of college students in their first year flunk
and those that make it to the next year always seem to get drunk
They were robbed of there time in high school
That’s the truth.
Learning everything except common sense and how to drink booze.
That is what I want to change
Not how to drink booze,
But to have common sense
That is what I want to improve.
I didn’t write this without a plan
I hate hypocrites
One: Don’t turn education into a dictatorship.
Students will rebel and we do it now
Its called procrastination
(haha wow)
Two: Allow students to ask as many questions as they want
To do this you must create an environment that allows us to flaunt
Questions unite us
And this is the United States,
So please, let everyone feel the embrace.
And three… the one I admire the most
is that we need to let students be creative
on their own.
Letting students build their own rocket
Or tree fortress.
And watching them grow up with more than just a level 100 Moltres
Creativity is the link between discovery and intellect.
If schools do not teach this,
Then the only things students will do is go on the internet.