What Do I Look Like?
My nail polish is chipping
My lips are cracked
I can’t love you
Too many lines engraved in your skin
My love handles are nothing to hold onto
The hair on my head is abandoning my body, like leaves the strands fall one by one
What do you look like?
I can’t see any pretty in your soul
Wow, look at what you are, I can't believe how you felt, can’t believe what you did
I can’t stop cutting
I can’t stop bleeding
Can’t stop eating
I can’t eat
What happened to black girl magic?
Can’t do anything but feel undeserving
Won’t pray the gay away
How carefree are you really?
I don’t know any magic
I don’t know anything, lost my faith in a rip current, lost my mind in ninth grade
Do you know what you look like now?
You look like you’re crying
Like you thought you could get rid of depression
I see you, is this me?
No feelings here, just numbness
I guess it’s off in space, forever now
Drifted and distant is a small price to pay for neutral nothingness
You have no body, no thoughts who are you?
What to think
Has autumn always felt like this? Like blowing in the wind with no real sense of direction
Oh shit what do i look like!?
I have brown skin don't I?
I’m kinda tall, maybe i'm a good person?
Can’t say nothing for sure anymore
How could I love you?
You don’t even know who you are
Everything about you screams dejection, depression, dissociation, and disorder.....the disorder has left you like this?
A conch shell that can’t even hear the ocean, can not even feel the waves
It’s all just static isn’t it?
You don’t even ...You can’t...you .. I
I don’t
I can’t even remember my name