What is Beautiful?
What is beautiful?
I asked myself that question many times
looking in the mirror trying to find an ounce of beauty.
But no matter how much I try and try
I can never ever see it in me.
Society setting such a high bar
telling us what’s beautiful and what’s not.
Making us remember all the blemishes and flaws that we almost almost forgot.
Putting up pictures of photoshopped girls
and telling us that they are the real beauty.
Making us feel ashamed
to love the real and true me.
Comparing ourselves to other girls
Until it becomes a bad habit.
Crying ourselves to sleep
Because we just can’t take it.
But we need to know now
that beauty comes in many shapes and size
Not mattering what color you are
or the size of your thighs.
You don’t have to be a beyonce
to be sexy or fierce.
Or a Kardashian and Jenner
to know that you conquer all of your fears
Just know that girl you are beautiful
and when you look in the mirror
That is true beauty staring back
And it couldn’t be any clearer.