Well-meant Discouragement
Summers filled with
Easy-Mac, hot dogs, and Kool-Aid,
playing with cousins,
darting through alleyways,
searching for craw-dads in the canal,
letting our dirtied feet dangle
off the sun-baked concrete
and into the cool, forbidden, waters.
Later, running back home,
barefoot, just before dark,
when mom and dad got home.
These were the days
when we were invincible
and the world was ours.
But year after year
fall would settle in
and school would resume
to teach us the way of the world.
In school we learned;
learned to behave
to be quiet
to walk! on the sidewalk
But year after year
we came back to summer,
a little less hopeful
and a little more grown up.
We learned other kids had more than us,
and somehow more was better,
but we were poor
and “that was that”.
Simply the way of the world.
Some things were available to us
and some things weren’t
and that was that
“the way of the world”.
Everyone was equal
but somehow we weren’t
and That. Was that.
Just the way of the world.
School days filled with
crumpled papers, broken pencils, and old books,
boredom, reading, writing, arithmetic,
and an overwhelming feeling,
that we’d never be good enough.
College prep for everyone else,
but not for us.
We’d learned to be a little less hopeful,
and a little more grown up.
We entered preschool as inventors,
artists, adventurers, and engineers.
And at first they told us we could do it,
that we could reach for the stars,
that we too could go far…
We were invincible
and the world was ours.
But year after year,
we were politely discouraged,
in the name of being more grown up.
We may have entered preschool as inventors,
artists, adventures, and engineers.
but we left high school as grocery baggers,
burger flippers, bellhops, and cashiers.
We asked for help.
We asked to go to college.
But the help was for our classmates.
The halfway friends we almost had;
until their parents saw our house.
Under the pressure of well-meant discouragement
some of us somehow succeeded.
And so can you, and so can they.
But it’s hard. Really hard.
So many of us didn’t, don’t, and won’t.
And that is what I would change.