We need Change!

 School, a place where there are many teachers and students. Some are good and some are bad. The weird part is the classrooms. Those classrooms are filled with many different kids with different personalities. There are kids who care and there are kids who can barely stay awake! Don't forget about the teachers! Some actually help and some just want things done and over with. The thing is some students and teachers nowadays are either not in the mood, too nice, or just way to crazy or controlling. Oh wait, don't forget annoying! I think that should change. Everyone should want to come to school and enjoy being with friends while learning at the same time. The one thing that should change most in classrooms is teachers attitudes. If one person is positive then it'll rub off on others. The more positivity the more happiness and work you get done without really complaining. Hey, then we will all love school a little more than we do now. Can't you see all that matters is your attitude, and don't forget to show your teachers some gratitude!


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