We are all stars in God's eyes


United States
27° 38' 40.2288" N, 80° 24' 17.3916" W

As teens, we face the daily struggles in life
Violence,sex,drugs,the typical kind of strife
We try to escape to what we refer to as the "Uknown"
that lies within our hearts and at home.
We face judgmentation from our fellow
peers and even our own family members saying
" you will never be this or you'll never be that".
But with hard work and determination success
is surely a fact.
We also feel like giving up,
when things get bad
or the going get's tough
or when ya hands and knees get dirty cause things become a little rough.
But i've come to
realize that the trials we face are not for always,so clear you mind of the dirt,
and look at it as just a phase.
just keep your head up, stay strong ,don't cry,
just always remember we are all stars in God's eyes.


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741