We are all Connected
To love, would be an awfully
great adventure.
I fall in love everyday
with actions, words, people, movies.
I feel my heart swell,
skip a beat,
tears trickle down.
There is beauty all around,
there is life in everything,
silently moving and emanating.
Inanimate objects are really
truly animated.
Should they not feel most of all?
They were created by man
Molded, infused with blood
sweat and tears.
They have atoms, DNA, memories.
They are simply the silent
observers, poised to wait
and watch the fretfully
dynamic lives of humans.
Who’s to say they
do not relish in the show?
I love life.
The mountains and the valleys,
the rivers and the lakes,
the sun and the moon.
For we are all connected,