We’re still begging
So... Parkland wasn’t enough....now Santa Fe....
So... who do I need to talk to to get better gun laws?
I mean we got preschoolers learning a rhyme that tells them what to
do during a shooting.
We got schools handing out bulletproof backpacks and shields
We got schools giving teachers little bats... what the hell is that going to do?
We got a wannabe commando Barbie taunting a survivor
But let’s shift focus for a bit...
We got children of immigrants being held in detention centers and no one can tell us
what exactly is happening to them
We got roughly 1500 kids missing. We were told that they were not the
government’s problem because they’re in “ good hands”
A celebrity had to commit suicide just to bring attention to mental health
A problem that had been on the rise since 1999.
And yet we’re still begging....
Begging for our life
Begging for answers
Begging for help.
Those asshats in office don’t give three shits about what happens.
And so we still beg... but not being heard.