Was it worth it?
Was life worth living?
Was it worth to mimic visions of myself just to fit in?
Was it worth speaking for the first time?
Was it worth ranking up my education just to be clowned?
Was it worth exploring outside my space?
Was it worth dying for another chance?
Was it worth coloring myself to look better?
Was it worth sacrificing the most for her?
Was it worth giving all that I had?
Was it worth wasting my long living time?
Was it worth being cheated through repetitive gaming romances?
Was it worth believing in another chance for love?
Was it worth drowning my sleep?
Was it worth to not act on what I could have?
Was it worth to promise and expect another moment?
Was it worth scaring my passion?
Was it worth listening to the sounding lies?
Was it worth watching them bury me?
Was it worth wasting tears over the memories?
Was it worth crying my blood out?
Was it worth offering my protection?
Was it worth seeing a long lost potential?
Was it worth calling her name out every night?
Was it worth kissing the now past angel of my life?
Was it worth hugging the now past bond of our identity?
Was it worth leaving the now past shapes of my dreams?
Was it worth becoming the now depressed soul that curses?
Was it worth letting the mistakes slip through me?
Was it worth proposing a rejected future?
Was it worth breaking the pictured brace?
Was it worth waiting for careless responses?
Was it worth being classified trash?
Was it worth supporting the helpless?
Was it worth to hold close with an attempt to comfort?
Was it worth moving my decisions by heart?
Was it worth judging fate in the hands of mortals?
Was it worth caring without single thanks?
Was it worth being hated for such a false rumor?
Was it worth stabbing my innocence with nonsense?
Was it worth falling over the person who moved away?
Was it worth forgiving when it would happen once more?
Was it worth to throw away my audacity?
Was it worth to hide the truth?
Was life ever worth living?
Would true light ever be seen again?
May I take another breathe into fresh grace?
Can there be another path?
Will I ever smile again?
Will I ever believe again?
Will I ever wish again?
Will I ever graduate again?
Will I ever love again…?