The Wanting
So many people want to be black but
Don't want to know what it feels like
So many people want to be black but
Don't want to know what it feels like
So many people want to be black but
Don't want to know how bad it feels sometimes
They don't want to know how it feels
To never be burned by the sun
But instead constantly being singed
By the looks and stares of others
That leave burn marks like fresh cigarettes on skin
They don't want to know how it feels to be
Public Enemy number 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
All because of something that you have no control over
So many people want to be black
But they don't want to carry the responsibilities
That being Black puts on your back
It seems that they just want to be black when it suits them
Then when trouble comes they slowly slink out of
The skin that they so glorified
Because they know that skin brings trouble
See they don't know how it feels to be in this skin 24/7
Never being able to take it off when it suits me
Unable to shrug off the centuries scars from the whips and chains
That have now been reinvented into whips and chains
They all want to be black
But don't want to know the feeling
Of staring at a place on the map
And recognizing it as the place people always
Tell you to go back to
But never recognizing it as home
They don't want to know the feeling that
The only time they'll ever be in the right place at the right time
Is when they're in their casket
So many people want to be black but
They don't want to know the feeling of
The pyramids being built on your back
But having the nose blown off the Sphinx
So no one would ever remember that she looked like you
They don't want to know how it feels to have built America
And then constantly being denied access
No no no no no
They want no part of that part of being black
They just want the big lips, big butt, nice skin, thick hips,
And the ability to say the word , Nigga
They don't want to know how it feels
To hang from a tree by a rope
That rope slowly suffocating you
And squeezing the life out of your body
As it slowly but surely kills you
They want no part of that
They want no part of the lynchings,the muggings, the beatings, the assassinations, or the bombings
They don't want to feel the pain or the loss
They don't want know how it feels to be hated for existing
They don't want to know how it feels to be hunted
So many people want to be black
But they don't want to know how it feels
Little do they know that it's that
Pain, the heartbreak, the loss, that oppression
That has made being black
Something that's worth wanting
Move Down