Stuck in a time where
people are confused,
Fail to tell the difference
Between every mood,
Mistaking lust for love
And no longer can tell
Right from wrong,
Its kinda sad
Seeing the process
happen over and over
Like a never ending cycle,
If only people can see the mistakes
Then they could break it
But of couse
Theres not enough time on their schedules,
Im not a teacher
But im willing to
teach them a good lesson,
U cant follow the leader
N expect to be givin praise,
No matter what you do
The leader will wind up with your fame,
Youll be left behind
But you wont be noticed,
You were too busy being confused
To try and fix ur minds focus,
Something that could've been yours
Has been claimed by someone else
All because you refused to learn
The difference of the world and yourself,
The world puts you out
To be someone your not,
It confuses others
But you couldve stopped,
You are the way you
make your self to be,
Theres no need to follow
the rules of this society,
Change it and spead it,
Thats the wise word you should follow
Instead of being a follower,
Take this knowledge
And store it in a safe place
Become a leader and
make the world a better place,
Teach the next generation
a better way to live,
Society wont be able to corrupt them
Once youve told them all its tricks,
They'll take what you said
And use it from day to day,
By teaching them whats what
You teach them the way to go,
New leaders will be made
And they'll stay clear of societies road,
You see what the future could be
It all depends on us,
Cause we're going to be the parents of the next generation,
Starting now is the only
assurance we have,
If we start later then our kids will have the worst impact,
Stop waivering with
everything you do,
Society doesnt raise you
Your parents do,
If you take the wrong road
Youll only hurt them more,
Than if you would've tried to take the right road after witnessing the wrong road that you chose.