Wait, love.
Ask me, love, why I love you.
Ask me, and I try my best to answer,
but in truth, I couldn't tell you now.
I say I don't know when others ask,
I say I can't find the words...
but really that's not true.
There are too many words to describe
exactly what I feel for you,
but there are far too many
that fall far too short
of being able to tell you,
I love you,
I'll always love you,
and I know exactly why,
but it's not something I'd put on paper,
it's not something I'd say with words,
because words are only imagined,
and paper is too concrete.
Stay with me here, love,
where fantasy meets reality,
wait with me while I find a way
to tell you, I love you,
wait with me while I tell you why,
wait for the day that I find the words
that are good enough for you.