Steady trying to feel in this void. I find myself clenching the sheets, feeling it's texture. Smooth you would've thought... but, it's been layed in so long there's a change. Not one too noticable, but one only the owner knows of. In the morning I find myself repeatedly changing clothes. Not liking how it fits, or liking the shape but, not the color. People, for example always find something to entertain their minds with. After having the same repeatative life, they find themselves getting tired of "the situation", their everyday life. That's when we ponder. Searching for that WOW factor. Searching for this void that may not even have a name. There is a cure whether you want that void fillied, or you just want to keep getting your glass half empty. It's Jesus. Jesus brings joy, wipes all tears, and fills that void. So when we or even I find myself searching for that missing "thing", it's been there since the beginning. Find Him and take your first steps in a new life.