Vehement and Untameable
You would be amazed for the love I have for him
Stronger than what Hercules could carry
And deeper than the ocean's current
Trying to forget about him is impossible
It's like trying to fit in a smaller size shoe
Or trying to see what's actually on the moon
I can only write what my heart feels
I'm never able to speak aloud my vehement love
Meaning he would never know what my heart just now knows
And the thing is, is that I lost him and he wasn't even mine
He could never see past my eyes
How the world spins uncontrollably
He could never see through my soul
How I was deeply in love with him
And he could never see how wholeheartedly, unconditionally, and irredicibly
In love that I will always be because I will never show it enough
No matter how hard I want him to want me
It's always just going to be tough
But I promise I will try to endure this time
Hopefully one day I will have the courage
And he could hopefully be mine
But for now I will just always be nervous
That's just how I am.