You do not have to shimmer to be gold
Look at Frida Kahlo, in all of her glory
People look at her, unibrow and all
And she is well known and liked
She didn't pluck, wax, or tweeze
She didn't have to shimmer to be gold
You do not have to shimmer to be gold
Look at Botero's people, plump and round
They sit outside and have no shame
They have beautiful clothing and fancy hair
Never do they cry or have salads and pills
For they do not have to shimmer to be gold
You do not have to shimmer to be gold
Look at Donatello's "David," nude and unashamed
He's not perfectly porportioned or sought after immensely
But he doen't hide behind a silly sheet
He doesn't act crazy or like a jerk
For he doesn't have to shimmer to be gold
You do not have to shimmer to be gold
Look at Da VInci's "Mona Lisa"
She smirks because you don't know her
But everyone wants to uncover the "mystery"
Of the plump peasant woman
Who doesn't have to shimmer to be gold
You do not have to shimmer to be gold
Look at Rodin's "The Kiss," two lovers embracing forever
Showing the imperfections of love in its perfect form
They are nude and vulnerable but together
Worried not about the kid threatening to gag or the romantics' sighs
For they do not have to shimmer to be gold
You do not have to shimmer to be gold
Whether everyone calls you ugly
Or you are as round as a cheese wheel
Whether you are average and mysterious
Or happiest when you are together
Art embrases the purest forms
And you do not have to shimmer to be gold