Ups&Downs: The House
A boy contemplates while lying on his bed with a straight face.
Trying to avoid his problems.
He says one option is death.
He says he doesn’t know what to do,
Or how to do it.
His dad is more focused on the money on his mind
And his mom has no self-esteem
And won’t speak up for her only boy.
This is the house
Full of money
With nothing to do but use it
And the money buys happiness,
But not eternal joy.
A boy contemplates on his bed
With a straight face.
Trying to cure his problems.
He says he cuts himself often
Because he’s never felt the warmth of a hug,
But only of the warmth of the blood on his skin.
He tries to pick up his chin,
But he’s never been taught how to be a man.
Because his dad is more focused on the money on his mind.
His mom tried to speak up for her only boy this time,
But was beaten in return.
Being quiet is the only thing that works for her.
This is the house
Full of money
With nothing to do but use it
And the money buys happiness.
But not eternal joy.
A boy thinks lying on his bed with a straight face
Long hot summer days,
Are long cold seasons.
He yearns for school to start again,
But once he gets home it’s the same thing over and over again.
And he can’t sleep,
Because he’s tired of hearing his mom crying at night.
He just prays himself to sleep
Because God is the only one that listens.
This is the house
Full of money
With nothing to do but use it
And the money buys happiness,
But not eternal joy.
A boy lying on his bed with a calm face
Owning up to his problems.
He starts to become a man.
He looks at the scars on his arms which are like timelines.
Happy he doesn’t have to live in the past,
Even though his dad is still not around
And his mom barely says a word.
A man contemplates.
These are his ups and downs
He learned to make his mind sound
Because it was God who he found
Him and I don’t have the same story,
But we strive for the same goal
Eternal joy.