Ups&Downs: 3. Endless Basement
Living like this for over a year.
Doing the same things for over a year.
Dealing with loss for over a year.
It’s redundant.
My new life became old after a few months
I yearn to begin my actual life,
Because this is just the prologue.
It’s setting up my designed destiny,
Tragedies will be a part of my success story.
Living a life I hate will be the death of me.
The cost of living is not a low fee,
Because in this world nothing comes free.
I’m tired of the old routine
I have to come up with new things to stimulate my brain
Only to keep myself occupied.
I never thought boredom could kill a spirit,
As much as laziness and pessimism.
I guess this has to do with me being ambitious.
Striving for greatness until the finish,
If there is one.
As long as I fulfill my purpose
And leave my legacy behind for my descendants,
It’s worth it.
Who will remember me?
This oddly
Is somehow all worth it.