To the core of my being,
lies the strongest feelings in which,
cannot be denied by the persistence of time.
It is an anger.
An anger that boils within,
that could wash the whole world anew.
With hands of justice,
and lips of truth.
Yet the voices of others,
try to calm my nerves,
whenever words tumble out of my mouth,
that are seeking to find air,
trapped beneath the base of my lungs,
laying dormant for years.
But they do not understand my daily strife.
They do not understand my reasoning for speaking out.
For a life such as there is,
is comprised from numerous privileges,
as a result of being the 'higher human race'.
It ironic,
you know.
How racism is a mask in itself,
which shields the eyes from,
any form of intelligence.
And I bet you heard many say that:
“violence is never the answer”,
but why-
why is it the only form of change,
people will ever care to hear?
I am aware though,
of having hatred as a lover,
is something more than I can bare.
So I stuff it away,
into the recess of my brain,
hoping for some sort of change.