Eyeliner, mascara, eyebrows, blush
Hair just the right amount of messy and cute
Tilt head but don't break necks
Smile big but not too big
Click...click...click, click, click
Valencia, Earlybird, or Nashville?
Put a witty caption
Get everything out in the open
This way they can't point out your flaws for you
Now last step:
In today's world, filters are not just for cleaning water
It's become a world of #allfilters
The truth behind #nofilter
Is that its naked form is an insecure little girl
Terrified of the world around her
My unfiltered world?
Lazy Sunday mornings
But really it's more like early Sunday afternoons
I don't care that my hair looks like a bird's nest
Or that my breath might smell like one
I can curse at the top of my lungs
Because 'I hate you' is a lot worse than 'I fucking love you'
But then I immediately take it back
Sundays are after all the Lord's day
I love Sundays
I want to live in that world
The one that is completely made up of Sundays
I go through my everyday life with my eyes lavished in filters
Except this special filter blurs out the whole world
So that I am finally able to see clearly