I understand that you're human
You need to understand that I'm human too
I understand that you have bad days like everyone else can
You need to understand many things can paint a teenager blue.
I understand that you have your own life
You need to understand that I have one too
I understand that grading papers and putting up with attidues might bring you strife
You need to understand that we are dealing with more things than just your class and you.
I understand that you want quiet
You need to understand that I try to balance
I understand that you think all we do is cause a riot
You need to understand that we aren't in a circus; we can't pick up everything and be perfect with the balance.
I understand that this might be your worst class
You need to understand that we don't always mean to be
I understand that you're so sick of the sass
You need to understand we are just trying to survive.
We are just trying to be who we are.