I wish you had been there
like all the other daddies
to scare away the boys.
Instead you beat me
as the undesired child you said I was.
I wish you were there to help me with homework
when I needed you.
Instead you spat at me with words
words that are now tattooed in my heart.
I wish you had been there
to cheer me on at every game,
every award ceremony
every school event
but instead you occupied your time
with other women
I don't know if you tried to hurt me
or if you really didn't know
but although I carry your words with me
every single day
I will not let them break me.
I know I'm not stupid like you said I was
I know I am smart.
I know I can grow up without a father figure
as I have been doing ever since you left
And now I wish you could see me
graduating with honors
going off to college
and you would actually see me
for the first time
and I would say "Thank You"
because it took your nasty words
your punches
your hate
for me to realize that
I am
and always will be