
Sky, I cannot see you
It seems a few of your friends decided to turn on you

Time, I cannot feel you
It has come to pass; the sandstorm has faded away

In that we see the light of day
The sandstorm never really faded away
But why we can't feel it, we may never know
The seeds of other troubles have been sewn

Rain, I cannot taste you
The friends of the sky decided it was not the day

Wind, I cannot hear you
The music of the air no longer plays its tune

Then we felt the light of the moon
The wind will never stop playing its tune
But why we can't hear it, we may never know
Discovery is a friend, not a foe

The beauty found in all things of the mind
Rain falls, wind blows, time flying by
After the dust settles, there's a clearing sky
Then apprehensively...
We begin to fly


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