Two Thousand Leagues
Catharsis does not work.
I scream and scream
But do not feel any lighter.
Sure, hot air continues to escape
From my vocal cords and
Out through my mouth,
But I feel heavier and heavier
With each cutting insult I deliver.
My temples hurt as if
I am two thousand leagues
Below the sea's surface,
And the pressure is getting to be too much.
Because it is.
In my finger tips and through my legs,
I feel the pounding of my heart,
Like it fractured and dispersed,
Sending a bit of itself in
Every which way.
My abdomen and my neck hurt
After being clenched,
Even after the yelling has ended.
Though the battle has expired,
The smoke does not clear.
It never does.
There is always a haze
Clouding visibility,
Muting each others' words,
Encircling each of us
Until we are separated,
Even if we are two feet apart.