
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 07:01 -- micmaq

When anger builds just like a twister,

Hearts break faster than glass from house windows,

By the end there’s nothing left to do but whisper,

It’s a true test of strength as one’s life grows.


18 years and 2 kids later I thought I’d be more stable,

Another absent, angry father,

Stormy weather, has sadly come my way just like a fable,

A mother must protect her children no matter what the cost.


When anger builds just like a twister,

Hearts break faster than glass from house windows,

By the end there’s nothing left to do but whisper,

It’s a true test of strength as one’s life grows.


Love is like a twister it grows and grows but some days it dies out.

Picking up the pieces is harder than a diamond 


This poem is about: 
My community


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